Ybug + Zapier
Integrate Ybug with Zapier to get access to 2,000+ other apps. Forward detailed feedback reports
with screenshots to the tools you already use.
Simple point & click feedback
Collect visual feedback, suggestions and detailed bug reports from your team or clients. Ybug captures screenshot, some important information about the browser environment, javascript errors and console output, making it easy to understand and act on.
Forward feedback reports to hundreds of other apps
Get new feedback reports forwarded through Zapier whenever your team or client submits feedback using Ybug feedback widget or browser extension.
Sign up, integrate your Ybug account with Zapier and get access to 2,000+ other apps.
How does Zapier work?
Zapier lets you connect Ybug to 2,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks, and build workflows between apps that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.